Bartender Wellness Guardian: Luis Hernandez

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We have partnered with six bartenders located in six different cities in the United States who are leaders of wellness in their respective markets. They have created cocktail recipes using some of our favorite Perrier flavors that are inspired by our theme of mindful and positive drinking. In addition to those recipes our bartenders will share their best advice on ways to incorporate mindfulness into your day to day life.

Luis Hernandez has displayed his passion for the industry since 2002, his culinary cocktail style has been recognized in the industry for his creative use of ingredients and techniques. He began his work in the kitchen before moving to the bar just shy of his 21st birthday. He has been in New York since 2013 and is currently the owner of Cocktail Illustrators Consulting and Brand Ambassador for Santa Teresa 1796 rum.

 Luis earned the NY titles in 2017 for Bombay Sapphire’s Most Imaginative Bartender and Bacardi Legacy, and won the national title in the 2019 Pau Maui Vodka’s Road to Maui Competition. With a huge emphasis on learning and education Luis has gone on to teach at the Bar Institute, USBG Regional Conference, Tales of the Cocktail, Bowery Collective and others as well as creating his own techniques to push the boundaries of normal flavor.

Check back here on January 2nd, 2021 to see Luis’ recipe and to hear his story.


Focus On Health Podcast with Valentino Longo


Mindfulness Matters Launch Party