Speed Rack Academy: Know Your Rights with Amie Ward
Know Your Rights
with Amie Ward
March 27th | 6PM EST
Amie Ward is a Chicago-based bartender and ACE Certified Health Coach, and holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Kinesiology from the University of Maryland College Park. She has been outspoken on health and wellness in the service industry, traveling across the United States to educate bartenders on how to care for themselves, and teaching free movement classes for the global bartending community. A decorated bartender and health advocate, she has received nods from Wine Enthusiast, Tales of the Cocktail, The United State Bartenders Guild, Baltimore Magazine, and Baltimore Style. Amie is known for her love of sustainable bartending methodologies and high volume event batching, and conducts educational seminars for guests and bartenders on the topics. In her spare time, you can find Amie bartending events with the Hospitality 201 crew, training for obstacle course races, pulling trucks and competing in Strongwoman competitions, or skating Chicago’s local parks. Amie is also a member of the HEARD team as well as a trainer for Safe Bars.
about Speed Rack Academy
Join us as bartenders from past Speed Rack seasons, raise awareness and teach classes about African American history and influence in the food and beverage sector. Classes are free to attend. Donations will support charities funding research to address the disparities of Breast Cancer within the BIPOC community.