Reflections From The Top Shelf by Moe Peacock
Almost a year has gone by since the Coronavirus made its way around the world and sparked a Global Pandemic. With all the chaos happening who could have known what the year 2020 would have in store.
It was around this time in 2019 where tension between the United States and Iran were high, following a missile launch that killed Iran military leader, Qasem Soleimani. There were mass shootings all over the country which included a school in Aurora, Texas and how can we forget the fatal helicopter crash that killed nine people, including Kobe Bryant, his 13-year old daughter Gianna, her teammates, family and the pilot on January 26th.
Amongst the chaos surrounding the Pandemic, fights of all kinds were developing. Including the fight for physical, mental and social safety. The fight to remain healthy through precautions and nutrition and food scarcity. As well as the fight of mental bearings to pay bills, loss of loved ones and cries for justice following the deaths of Ahmaud Abrey, George Floyd, and Breonna Taylor.
It is no secret that the hospitality industry felt the impact of the change in times and lack thereof. The industry was exposed, and it’s vulnerabilities were made known financially through market value and innovation necessary to withstand a pandemic.
Through emergency actions led by the US Congress, a delayed response to the pandemic was provided in the form of financial stimulus. The stimulus allowed many businesses linked to the hospitality industry to remain open and adjust accordingly. Although the industry makes up 30-40% of small businesses, funds were not set aside exclusively for the hospitality industry. As a result, businesses linked to the hospitality industry had to close temporarily, if not permanently.
Nonetheless, the hospitality industry has shown its resilience in these times and continues to unite for not only the social services provided, but also it’s encouraging of camaraderie in the wake of social distancing. The tenacity, support, and compassion shown to each other throughout this entire pandemic is to be admired.
It was a joy to see the industry be mindful of each other's needs. I witnessed restaurants, day in and day out, fighting to not only keep their doors open but to keep their patrons safe. All the while, they provided PPE and other essential materials, such as masks and toilet paper for unemployed industry workers. My dedication and love for hospitality has grown during this time and as we continue to press through this pandemic, I want to leave you with a few tips that have helped me:
Don’t Be Afraid To Unplug
Turn off your phone periodically and set intentional time for yourself. You deserve that!
Delete distracting apps and/or adjust your engagement outside of business purposes. If you must remain online, interact with new people that provide supportive and inspiring content.
Continue To Set Boundaries
We are always being hospitable and mindful of others. This sometimes allows people to invade our space unbeknownst. Be vocal about your boundaries. Those who love and respect you will understand.
Designate A Self-Care Day
Pamper yourself, take a calming bath, handle your grooming needs.
Netflix and Chill by yourself or safely with someone else.
Read a book, hone in on a hobby such as knitting.
Order your favorite dish from your favorite restaurant.
Napping is a favorite of mine. Take a nap!
Take Risks
The New Year always inspires new thoughts and ideas as well as enthusiasm to see them fulfilled. Try doing that thing outside of your comfort zone. Assess and assure this “thing” is aligned with personal or professional goals. Start that blog! Enter that competition! Why not?
It is my hope these tips help and inspire us to be mindful of ourselves as we embark on a new year of growth. Not only will these adjustments help execute your New Year's resolution, but help us make a better world as we adjust to the new normal.
Be mindful, stay healthy and most importantly, stay safe!