Mindfulness Q&A with Kathryn Smith

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FOH: What is your name?

Kathryn: Kathryn Smith

FOH: Your current job title and place of business?

Kathryn Smith: District Manager - Colorado, CorePower Yoga

FOH: How does mindfulness play a part in your everyday life?

Kathryn: I manage 16 yoga studios in Colorado for CorePower Yoga and teach yoga - the root of the practice is mindfulness - however, just because it is my job, doesn't mean its a natural state. Awareness is key to being mindful because it allows integrity and consciousness to guide decisions towards ones self and how they interact with the world.

FOH: How do you actively work to bring mindfulness to your community?

Touré: Part of being a being a part of a community is taking a step back to see how you can be a part of it in an informed and intentional way. Whenever I become a part of a new community, I stay in my lane become an active participant where I can. In my heart, There are always things that I want to do and hit the ground running but my perspective had to shift to what does the community need and how can I contribute. I started seeking out like minded individuals and organizations to do the work and look for ways to collaborate and bring people up.

FOH: There are so many kinds of wellness- physical, mental, environmental, spiritual. Which of these resonates the most with you and why?

Kathryn: Mental serves the biggest purpose for me personally, because if mental mindfulness is balanced, it translates to your heart and allows you to treat all things with more care and compassion.

FOH: Who provides you with inspiration when it comes to living life mindfully?

Kathryn: My wife, Tabitha - she has been sober for over 13 years and has shown me so much about self discipline and self compassion. She is rooted in optimism and acknowledge our own part in all situations/circumstances/relationships we have. We have seen the power of the laws of attraction and use that as a compass in our everyday lives.

FOH: How can we be more aware of how we impact the environment, and how can living mindfully help us take better care of our communities?

Kathryn: Impact on the environment happens in so many way, so it can be overwhelming, however, if you start with yourself and make conscious choices - it can go a long way. It reminds me of the yogic principle of Asetya, or non-stealing. Use what is yours, no more, no less.

FOH: What is the best way to approach implementing New Year’s Resolutions?
Kathryn: One day at a time! Grace when you falter and then a recommitment to your goals. I always think at least 21 days of trying something is that best way to see if its right for you!


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