Improved Lemonade

with Joshua Gandee

1 oz Seedlip Spice
1.5 oz Cold Brew (Thunder Kiss)
1/2 oz Banana Syrup (Oleo Saccharum with peels)
1/4 oz lemon juice
Top with Topo Chico
Build cocktail in a highball glass, add ice and top with Topo Chico. Give it a quick stir and enjoy.

1 oz Seedlip Garden
1 oz Fennel Tea (Oversteeped/ want the bitter)
1 bspn. Jam (Prospect Jam Co. Apricot and Rhubarb)
1/2 oz Lemon Juice
Place ingredients into a shaker tin or mason jar and add ice. Shake and strain into a chilled coupe glass or server over ice.

For additional recipes, join us at our next Seedlip Social Hour.

Nature - Being A Good Steward

with Karina Martinez

California Cobbler

1 oz Seedlip Spice

1 oz Amontillado Sherry

.5 oz Blood Orange Syrup

.5 oz Lemon Juice

1 tsp Allspice Dram

Build into a highball glass and stir ingredients together. Grate fresh Bay Laurel on top for garnish.

Running Ricky

1.5 oz Seedlip Garden

.75 Lime Juice

.75 Simple Syrup

Place three mint leaves and one slice of cucumber into your shaking tin.

Shake, double strain into a highball glass and top with

Optional: Add 4 dashes absinthe or fennel simple syrup.


Simple: 1.5 parts sugar : 1 part water

Blood Orange: 1 part sugar : 1 part Blood orange juice

Fennel: 1.5 parts sugar : 1 part fennel juice (Fine strained)

  • add 1.25 oz lime juice per 4 cups to help oxidization.

*we recommend granulated white sugar

You Don’t Have To Be Bitter

with Joshua Gandee

Gentle and Tonic

1.5oz Seedlip Garden 108

.5oz Tonic Syrup

.75oz Grapefruit Juice

4oz Seltzer or Soda

Build in your favorite glass, and gently stir to combine. Garnish with a grapefruit peel or a binge-worthy Netflix show.

The Freshmaker

2oz Seedlip Spice 94

.5oz Grapefruit Oleo

2 dash Orange Bitters

Stir in a mixing glass until chilled. Strain into a chilled coupe and garnish a slice of grapefruit or an article about one of your hobbies.

Gotta Get Up To Get Down

2oz Seedlip Grove 42

1oz Cold Brew Coffee

.25oz Chicory Syrup*

Shake in a tin or mason jar with sealable lid until chilled. Strain into a chilled coupe and garnish by calling a friend and telling them three cool ideas.

*Brew 1 cup of chicory coffee, while hot add ½ cup raw sugar, stir to combine. Keep refrigerated.

Reciprocity - Take Care Of One Another

with Karina Martinez

Citrus Snax

2.0 oz Seedlip Citrus

1.0 oz Lime Juice

.75 oz Pineapple Syrup/Gum

2 dashes Apple Cider Vinegar.

Shake, double shake and strain into a coupe.

Garnish: Grapefruit twist

Regular Suspects

1.0 oz Garden

.50 oz Lime Juice

.50 oz Simple Syrup

2 dashes fennel bitters

Mint Leaves

Shake, and double strain into a Collins glass and top off with Soda.

Garnish: Cucumber Ribbon and Mint Sprig

Pineapple Gum

Sous Vide Syrup

Time: 10 Minutes Active, 120 Minutes Cooking


  • 560 grams Pineapple Juice

  • 560 grams White Sugar

  • 30 grams Gum Arabic

  • 3 grams citric acid


  • Immersion Circulator Bath

  • Cutting Board

  • Knife

  • Gram Scale

  • Fine Gram Scale

  • Blender

  • Chinois

  • Glass Jar


  1. Fill water basin with water and place immersion circulator inside.

  2. Set circulator to 145F.

  3. Meanwhile, carefully measure powders and place into a blender; blend for 30 seconds.

  4. Add pineapple juice and blend for about two minutes or until all dry ingredients are fully integrated.

  5. Transfer to infusion jar.

  6. When circulator has reached 145F, place sealed infusion inside the water.

  7. Carefully remove infusion after 120 minutes.

  8. Transfer infusion to an ice bath until it reaches room temperature.

  9. Strain in through a cocktail fine strainer.

  10. Place in sealable containers, label, and date.

  11. Keep Refridgerated.