
by The Healthtender

7 Minutes: Dynamic Warm Up

10 Spiderman Lunges

10 Inchworms

20 Squat Jacks

20 Mountain Climbers

This is a circuit workout. All circuits are 4 minutes each. Perform each exercise all the way through, 15 seconds per exercise, 4 rounds per circuit. Rest for 2 minutes in between each circuit and perform 20 bodyweight squats within that rest period. 

Circuit #1 (Laying on your RIGHT side)

A) Side Lying Hip Abduction L 

Check out the various advancements you can do for this exercise

B) Side Plank Hip Dips

Feel free to modify this by having both knees on the ground 

C) Side Lying Hip Circles FWD 

D) Side Lying Hip Circles BWD

Keep foot flexed and make tiny circles for both of these

Circuit #2 (Laying on your LEFT side)

A) Side Lying Hip Abduction R

B) Side Plank Hip Dips

C) Side Lying Hip Circles FWD

D) Side Lying Hip Circles BWD

Circuit #3

A) Frog Glute Bridges

B) Clamshells R

C) Clamshells L

D) Reverse Table Top Bridges

Circuit #4

A) Quadraped Hip Extension R

B) Forearm or Push Up Plank Leg Lifts

C) Quadraped Hip Extension L

D) Reverse Hollow Hold

Circuit #5 (Sturdy Chair Needed)

A) Bulgarian Split Squat R

B) Bulgarian Split Squat L

C) Chair Step Ups (alternating lead leg)

D) Chair Toe Taps

Static Cool Down: 5-7 Minutes

Arms Across Chest, L&R 30s each

Arms Over Top of Head, L&R 30s each

Standing Quad Stretch, L&R 30s each

Knee Hugs, L&R 30s each

Standing Figure 4 Stretch, L&R 30s each

Neck Rotations

Stretch Anything Else You Need!