Mindfulness Q&A with Lauren Paylor

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FOH: What is your name?

LP: Lauren Paylor or LP

FOH: Your current job title and place of business?

LP: Owner and Co-Founder Focus On Health, Seedlip Brand Ambassador DC, Safe Bars Trainer, Social Media Coordinator Speed Rack.

FOH: How do you define mindfulness?

LP: Mindfulness is being intentional with your approach and mindful with your actions. It is deliberately making a decision acknowledging and fully understanding how it will affect you.

FOH: How does mindfulness play a part in your everyday life?

LP: As we approach the New Year considering what part mindfulness plays in my life takes precedence. When I wake up, I start by evaluating what tasks I need to tackle for the day and then consider how I can incorporate the things that are essential in ensuring I am taking care of myself (working out, drinking enough water, eating well). Planning allows me to be successful in successfully tackling the day!

FOH: Who provides you with inspiration when it comes to living life mindfully?

LP: My loved ones. I want to be here living my life fully. When I am drinking heavily, or not eating right and not moving my body I don't feel my best. I feel as if my life is dragging by. When I am intentional in my approach I feel so great and I can enjoy moments with family, friends and loved ones to the fullest. They keep me focused and strong.

FOH: How can we be more aware of how we impact the environment, and how can living mindfully help us take better care of our communities?

LP: When we take care of ourselves to the best of our ability we are certainly in a position to take better care of our community and others. I am blessed to be where I am today and am grateful that there are so many members of the community that are interested and willing to take on the task of taking better care of themselves. Consider how lost you once were and how some guidance might benefit someone else that is going through a very similar journey.

FOH: What is the best way to approach implementing New Year’s Resolutions?

LP: I set small goals for myself. Ones that are attainable and achievable. Daily goals seem to work best for me. Thinking too far ahead can sometimes make me feel very overwhelmed. I stay as realistic as I can with goals and acknowledging what works best for me has always been the best way to approach implementing this.

FOH: Anything else you would like to add?

LP: If you are looking for a way to begin this journey the programs on the fohealth.org page are a great place to start. Additionally, check out our resource page as there are some amazing recommendations and things to take advantage of!


Mindfulness Q&A with Alex Jump