Mindfulness Q&A with Alex Jump


FOH: What is your name?

Jump: Alex Jump

FOH: Your current job title and place of business?

Jump: Head Bartender, Death & Co Denver. Denver Brand Ambassador for Seedlip.

Podcast Host and co-Founder of Focus on Health.

FOH: How does mindfulness play a part in your everyday life?

Jump: Mindfulness has been an opportunity to understand who I truly am. When I take time to listen to my body and my emotions, I am able to have a better relationship not just with myself, but with my partner, my work, my friends, and my family. For me, the biggest part of mindfulness has been coming to the understanding of what I truly need to be well and feel whole.

FOH: There are so many kinds of wellness- physical, mental, environmental, spiritual. Which of these resonates the most with you and why?

Jump: Mental health has been a big part of my personal journey in wellness. Learning how to be vulnerable, and being able to open up and talk about my own journey with anxiety and depression has been a huge milestone for my

personal growth.

FOH: Who provides you with inspiration when it comes to living life mindfully?

Jump: The team at Support Staff, LP, my parents, Sturgill Simpson.

FOH: What is something you would like to see change in the Hospitality Industry?

Jump: Service workers being treated as humans, with human needs and emotions. Not being asked to sacrifice your health and wellbeing in order to put everyone else first or to put your career first. More outreach for hospitality

professionals and education on health and wellness. Access to affordable health & mental health care.

FOH: What is the best way to approach implementing New Year’s Resolutions?

Jump: With patience and empathy for yourself.

FOH: How do you actively work to create work/life balance for yourself?

Jump: Learning to say no, learning to accept that I cannot always be in control, and learning to be forgiving of myself when I don’t accomplish it all. I’ve learned that I’m more productive when I have an active to-do list and keep myself organized.


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