Health and Wellness Q&A Part 2

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Part 2 Features: Kristina Magro, Touré Folkes, and Kathryn Smith

January 10 |12 PM EST

View the Q&A here.

Mindfulness. It’s a pretty straightforward word. It suggest that the mind is fully aware of the choices that are being made. That we are making decisions with our full attention and with intention. So why is this concept sometimes so difficult to incorporate in our day to day? Sometimes it appears as if the opposite, living without intent is the easier decision. Our mind and body sometimes take flight, we lose touch with our bodies and we end up experiencing moments of disarray.

When taking our future into consideration and reflecting on the the affects that these decisions play into our daily lives being mindful certainly makes sense.

Mindfulness is our ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we are doing despite the outside factors that might affect our decisions.

We’ve asked ten food and beverage experts how they define mindfulness, how they incorporate mindfulness into their daily routine and what inspires them to live a mindful lifestyle.

Kristina Magro

As general Manager of Lone Wolf, in Chicago, and Co-Founder of Support Staff Kristina has prioritized community building and mental health awareness in her community. In an industry that can sometimes be consuming and draining, Kristina advises you all to ‘Please Hustle Responsibly.

Touré Folkes

For Touré, creating a community in the hospitality industry in New Orleans feels like it was meant to be. Community support is a precious resource. It’s this ethos that drives the program and curriculum at Turning Tables. Turning Tables addresses industry-specific racial inequities while building a support system for our community. For Touré, being aware of the change that we are capable of making is an important part of mindfulness.

Kathryn Smith

An expert in the power of conscious movement through yoga, mindfulness is nothing new to Kathryn Smith. She will share her experience with mindfulness and how it appears as a reoccurring theme in her work with yoga and movement. 2020 has brought many challenges to the fitness industry and the importance of self-care and intentional movement and meditation is a crucial part to each of us not just surviving, but truly thriving!


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